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Maarten Edixhoven

Chair of the Management Board of Van Lanschot Kempen

Maarten Edixhoven is living with his wife Simone and three sons in Amsterdam East. On a daily basis, he works with pleasure for Van Lanschot Kempen, the Netherlands' oldest independent financial institution. 

Maarten: "I personally believe very strongly in a society with equal opportunities for all. Unfortunately, the Netherlands still has a lot of work to do in this area. Certainly also for women in the labour market." Therefore, he has been actively pushing for this for years in both the Netherlands and abroad. In the Netherlands by having employers investigate whether women are paid the same as men for the same work, and by appointing the first women to a male board three times. With the expected ripple effect. 

Abroad, Maarten has been supporting BuZz women for years. "A wonderful initiative in India, Gambia, Georgia and now the Netherlands to encourage women to be entrepreneurial, giving them more self-confidence and self-determination."

Maarten: "I am proud to be able to provide advice to WIFS in the coming period."

WIFS is an energetic and connecting movement and these core values suit me well!

LinkedIn Maarten Edixhoven


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