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Lievijne Neuteboom


Lievijne Neuteboom has worked in the financial sector since 2016. She initially started at development bank FMO and then worked at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) as a sustainable finance specialist. She also taught the subject Sustainability part-time to first-year students at Leiden University College. Since October 2020, she has been working at the European Banking Authority, where she is a sustainable finance specialist responsible for integrating sustainability considerations into bank supervision regulations. Sustainability is a subject that runs like a thread through Lievijne's academic and professional career, which she enjoys and is passionate about.  

Through DNB, an active WIFS business member, Lievijne first came in touch with WIFS. She became an active member and board member of Young WIFS, now she is excited to be part of the WIFS board and give young women a place there. Because from the Young WIFS generation (up to 35 years old) she also sees a strong need to connect and learn from each other. In an environment with mostly male colleagues, she sees how important it is for the few women present to join forces and learn from each other. Female managers helped her during the start of her career by sharing their knowledge and experience and mirroring it to her own professional and personal development. She wishes such insights to all female young financials. Therefore, she particularly embraces the WIFS values 'share' and 'energize' and is keen to help bring about a shift from an 'old boys' to 'young women' network: after all, today's female young financials are the financial leaders of the future. 

Lievijne knows how to combine sharp analytical skills, a go-getter mentality and substantive knowledge with both a healthy dose of self-mockery and humour and a great passion and commitment for what she is working on.

Lievijne lives in Paris and studied International Development and Development Economics at Leiden University College and the London School of Economics. She also did a minor at the University of British Columbia and an Executive Programme CSR at Erasmus University. She enjoys travelling by train and cycling, attending festivals, classical concerts and enjoying good food. She values a healthy and active lifestyle and can therefore be found at the gym almost every day.

LinkedIn: Lievijne Neuteboom


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