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GMM (online)

GMM (online)
Presented byWIFS
DateMonday, November 4, 2024

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On Monday, November 4, an online General Members’ Meeting (GMM) will take place from 16:30 to 17:30. During this first GMM with our new president Chantal Korteweg and vice-president Indra Frishert, we will discuss the current state of affairs and our vision for the future of WIFS. Last May, we announced the Treasurer vacancy via the newsletter, and we have now completed the recruitment process and found a candidate eager to take over the Treasurer position from Coby-Wilma. So we will also vote on the transfer of the Treasurer position, for which we nominate Henk Jansen. Henk is a familiar face within WIFS after he moderated the Accelerate 50/50 event in March 2024. Curious to know more about Henk? Scroll to the bottom of the page where he will introduce himself shortly.

We warmly invite you to attend this GMM. You can register by logging into the member portal.

Call for 2 new members for the Audit Committee

WIFS is looking for 2 new members to join the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee consists of 2 members and conducts the financial review of the results in the annual report and financial statements of WIFS (between January and March 2025). The committee also discusses the findings with the WIFS Treasurer. This review is expected to take around 5-6 hours per committee member. The position is unpaid and can be carried out remotely (online). Audit Committee members are, or become, members of WIFS. Candidates generally commit to a term of 2 years, but can step down from the role earlier if needed.

The Audit Committee is crucial to the effective continuation of WIFS as an association, and we sincerely hope to welcome 2 new members to the committee!

If interested, please contact Coby-Wilma (WIFS Treasurer) at

Date: Monday, November 4
Time: 16:30 - 17:30
Location: Online

Would you like to contribute to and make decisions about the future of WIFS? Save the date and sign up!

If you register, the documents will be sent to you via email two weeks before the GMM. You can view documents from previous GMMs in the member portal; the documents for this GMM will also be posted there in due course.


Henk Jansen

"As the son of an Irish mother and a Dutch father, I was born in Amsterdam in 1968. Together with my three brothers, we spent our entire (and happy) childhood in Amsterdam. I have been with the most amazing woman, Ilona, for 38 years, and we have two wonderful children. Larissa (27), who will marry her great love Mattijs in May, runs an after-school care and daycare center in Amsterdam Southeast, and Roy (24) has just graduated. I have been active in financial services for 35 years, 25 of which as an entrepreneur. On October 1st, I sold my last company, Expat Mortgages, and now I’m considering what I want to do with my abundance of positive energy in the next 10 years.

In the past, I served on the board of an Amsterdam sports association for 10 years. This association has been around for more than 100 years (founded in 1912) and has over 1,000 members. I am incredibly grateful to now be an honorary member.

I am genuinely honored to have been asked to join the board of WIFS as a man, as a not-so-young white man. I am a strong advocate for inclusivity in all its forms, and I hope and expect to contribute to spreading WIFS' vision among men as well—to build bridges. I was proud to serve as the host for the Accelerate 50/50 event on March 1, 2024, and I will be even more pleased to support the board on a structural level in the near future."

Henk also wrote an inspiring column for the VVP in 2023 that clearly expresses his vision. Read the column (Dutch) here