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Mentoring Programme

Mentoring at WIFS

WIFS stands for growth: growing as a person, as a professional and as a leader.

At certain moments in your career, it is useful to be guided in your development and growth in an accessible way. At WIFS, we have many women in our network who are willing to share their experiences and expertise and are eager to help others in their career.

This is how we create growth of female potential, more female power!

WIFS pairs mentors and mentees to realise growth together. There are no hierarchical relationships and you can share experiences, broaden your perspective and learn from other organisations in an open discussion. You will also gain insight into the leadership styles of experienced top women and you can use them as a sparring partner.

Mentoring at WIFS is a 'learning' partnership between an experienced mentor and a less experienced mentee. The aim is to help the mentee find her way and develop herself. The mentor has relevant knowledge, experience or competences for the mentee. In the confidential relationship between the two people, the learning process of the mentee is central.

Mentoring promotes interaction between people from different functions and levels in the organisations, leading to new insights and knowledge for both mentor and mentee. It builds bridges between theory and practice.

Read more about the mentoring programme here.

The mentor

As a mentor you will gain new professional contacts. This increases your own knowledge and insight. In addition, it can be personally satisfying to help a mentee in their personal development and to pass on knowledge to another WIFS member. Furthermore, it gives the mentor insight into the needs and interests of new generations. Young people learn differently from the generation above and they have different demands in life and work. They also have knowledge of new methods and techniques. Mentors can learn from their mentees in this respect.

The role of the mentor 
As a mentor, you help the mentee to get clarity on developmental goals and to draw up a personal plan. You act as a sparring partner and advisor by giving insight and knowledge from your own experience. As a mentor you can be seen as a 'teacher' and sponsor. Not as a guru who spreads 'the word'. 

The mentee

One of the important goals of mentoring is to support the mentee in his or her professional and career development. Besides gaining new knowledge and expanding the network, the mentee gains insight into the culture and political processes within other organisations and also in other fields.

The role of the mentee
When you decide to use a mentor, it is important that you are ready for this experience. You are the director of the process.

As a are responsible for your own career and for achieving your goals. A mentor can guide you on your development path, but as a mentee, you have to do it yourself.

Mentoring vs. coaching

There is a difference between mentoring and coaching. Both mentoring and coaching are about providing support in professional and/or career development. However, they both serve a different purpose. There is often confusion about this.

We outline the differences below:

A coach 

  • Helps to broaden another person's view and to look at issues from new angles and possibilities.
  • Raises awareness in areas that still need or can be developed and helps to set goals to achieve this.
  • Helps the other to stay focused on the goals to be achieved.
  • Helps identify values and norms and align them with personal and professional goals.
  • Supports development by asking questions.
  • Does not necessarily work in the same field.
  • Works from an equal relationship.

A mentor

  • Is a senior or authority in her field or organisation with influence.
  • Has experience and a broad view on careers.
  • Primarily shares knowledge and experience with the mentee and tries to identify development opportunities within its network.
  • Can open doors for the mentee.
  • Also knows how and when to - let - coach.
  • Tells, instructs, makes suggestions and opens up possibilities and fulfils the role of a teacher.

More information? Contact Nelsy Salden


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