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Jury deliberation Top 50 Women in Sustainable Finance


Today, a jury consisting of leading professionals from the financial sector has determined the definitive Top 50 Women in Sustainable Finance 2023 based on previously received nominations. The list aims to spotlight women who are making a significant impact in sustainability within the financial sector.

Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen (chair), Petri Hofste, Marilou van Golstein Brouwers, Faisal Setoe, Stephan Veen and Rinke Zonneveld (not pictured) gathered this afternoon at De Rabobank in Utrecht. Under the guidance of initiators Nicolette Loonen of TOSCA - Tribe of Sustainability Change Agentsand Lievijne Neuteboom on behalf of WIFS, they set to work on the selection. After a two-hour discussion, a significant and impactful Top 50 was finalized!

The Top 50 Women in Sustainable Finance will be launched on September 27th during the WIFS Dive In Festival at De Volksbank in Utrecht. Want to attend? Register here.