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Accelerate 50/50 Report

The 2024 report is launched!

Leading up to International Women's Day 2024, the second research findings of Accelerate 50/50 have been released: an update of the foundation laid in 2023. The research focuses on the current status and progress of gender-balanced leadership at the top of the financial sector. The 2024 report reveals several key findings and highlights that, although the financial sector is slowly but surely accelerating. In particular, the insurance sector leads the way in this regard. Here, the number of women on executive boards increased by 7% to 30%. The insurance sector in particular leads the way in this regard. The supervisory boards in FSI now meet the statutory minimum percentage of 33%. The report was launched on March 1st, during an Inspiring event hosted by Athora Netherlands with the use of a launch video. The first copy of the 2024 report was presented to Richard Weurding, Director of the Verbond van Verzekeraars. 

For an in-depth understanding of the issues and for further details on the current state of gender diversity in the financial sector, the full report is now available.

Download the Accelerate 50/50 2024 report here. | Download the Accelerate 50/50 Executive Summary here.

Power BI Dashboard 2024

The dashboard is a gateway to the evolving landscape of gender diversity in finance. Delve into rich metrics for nuanced insights, empowering decision-makers with robust analyses. The dashboard and report support each other. 


Half of the world population consists of women, half of the Dutch population consists of women, half of the clients of the financial services companies consist of women, half of the employees of the financial services companies consist of women. So, why doesn’t half of the leadership in financial services companies?

WIFS and Deloitte collaborate in conducting the 'Accelerate 50/50' research. Both organisations have committed to this research for three years.

In 2023 WIFS and Deloitte launched the first report of Accelerate 50/50 during the event on International Women's Day hosted by Goldman Sachs in The Hague, watch the aftermovie here.

Curious about the results of our research last year? Download the Accelerate 50/50 2023 report here.

Join our ripple and stay up to date on the Road to 50/50: sign up for our newsletter!

If you're eager to join The Ripple, you're welcome to become a member. Interested in a partnership and/or joining the research next year? Send an email to info@wifs.nl


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