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Updates Accelerate 50/50 2024

*English below

WIFS en Deloitte voeren sinds 2023 'Accelerate 50/50' onderzoek uit, dit onderzoek duurt 3 jaar.

Half of the world population consists of women, half of the Dutch population consists of women, half of the clients of the Financial Services companies consist of women, half of the employees of the financial services companies consist of women. So, why doesn’t half of the leadership in Financial Services companies consists of women?

Join us in sharing results, experiences and inspiration. 

Op 1 maart 2024 worden de nieuwe resultaten van het 'Accelerate 50/50' onderzoek gedeeld.

Datum: 1 maart 2024
Tijd: TBD
Locatie: Athora, Amsterdam


Laat je inspireren en kom samen in actie. Laat op onderstaand formulier je gegevens achter en we houden je op de hoogte over wanneer de algemene inschrijving van het event opent.

* Op alle aanmeldingen en het verstrekken van persoonsgegevens is het Privacybeleid van WIFS van toepassing. 



WIFS and Deloitte execute the 'Accelerate 50/50' reseach since 2023, this research lasts for 3 years.

Half of the world population consists of women, half of the Dutch population consists of women, half of the clients of the Financial Services companies consist of women, half of the employees of the financial services companies consist of women. So, why doesn’t half of the leadership in Financial Services companies consists of women?

Join us in sharing results, experiences and inspiration. 

New results from the 'Accelerate 50/50' research will be shared on March 1, 2024.

Date: March 1, 2024
Time: TBD
Location: Athora, Amsterdam


Get inspired and take action together. Leave your details on the form below and we will keep you informed about when the general registration for the event opens.

* All registrations and provision of personal data is subject to WIFS' Privacy Policy.

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